Everyday actions in Spanish

Hello there buddies! We are here with a new Spanish lesson today! Today we’re learning about something super exciting: our everyday actions in Spanish. In the past lesson we learned to talk about likes and dislikes in Spanish. Whenever learning Spanish in Quito, Cuzco, or Sucre we will need to know how to talk about the things we usually do.

Objective: talk about everyday actions
Grammar content: present verb tense, pronouns
Vocabulary: Daily routine actions


Uses of the Spanish present tense


1. We use the Spanish present tense to talk about true facts.

+ Marte es un planeta
– Mars is a planet

2. We also use the present tense to talk about habits or things we do regularly. Just like in English we use the Present Simple to talk about things done repeatedly through time, the same happens with Spanish

+ Me levanto a las 6 en punto
– I get up at 6 o’clock

3. We may also use Spanish present tense to express an immediate future action:

+ Mañana nos vamos a la playa
– Tomorrow we are going to the beach

4. Sometimes, the Spanish present tense can be also be used to talk about past events. In this case, we use the present tense to relive the event, to make it closer to us.

+ Llegamos al aeropuerto y nos dicen que hay un retraso en el avión

– We got to the airport and we were told our flight was delayed


How to form the present tense in Spanish?


In Spanish we have three different verb classes, easily recognizable by the words ending: those ending by -ar, -er or -ir. Every verb class is formed with its stem + conjugation. To know from where to start conjugating, we have to know which is the verb ending in its infinitive form and identify the stem. For example, one typical Spanish -ar verb is hablar (to speak). If we take the verb ending – ar out, we have the stem left: “habl” from there, we may begin conjugating.

Keep in mind that this applies to regular verbs, in Spanish there also irregular verbs that may not fall into these regular patterns.

Spanish present tense -ar verbs

Verb amar (to love)


Pronoun Stem + conjugation
Yo Am + o
Tú / Usted Am + as / Am + a
Él Am + a
Ella Com + e
Nosotros/as Am + amos
Vosotros/as / Ustedes Am + áis / Am + an
Ellos/as Am + an


Remember that in Spanish from Latin America from the 2nd person singular and plural we use “Usted/Ustedes” and in the Spanish from Spain we use “Tú and Vosotros/as”, though Usted/Ustedes can be also used in Spanish from Spain in formal situations.


Spanish present tense –er verbs

Verb comer (“to eat”)


Pronoun Stem + conjugation
Yo Com + o
Tú / Usted Com + es / Com + e
Él Com + e
Ella Com + e
Nosotros/as Com + emos
Vosotros/as / Ustedes Com + éis / Com + en
Ellos/ellas Com + en


Spanish Present Tense -ir verbs

Verb vivir (“to live”)


Pronoun Stem + conjugation
Yo Viv + o
Tú / Usted Viv + es / Viv + e
Él Viv + e
Ella Viv + e
Nosotros/as Viv + imos
Vosotros/as / Ustedes Viv + ís/ Viv + en
Ellos/as Viv + en


It is usual to find adverbs of time going altogether with the Present Tense such as siempre (always), a menudo (often), normalmente (usually), a veces (sometimes), casi nunca (hardly ever), nunca (never), todos los días (every day), una vez a la semana (once a week), etc.

Bear in mind that sometimes the verbs we use to express everyday actions in Spanish are reflexible. Reflexible verbs are the ones whose direct object is the same as its subject, for example: “You wash yourself”.

Reflexible verbs (verbos pronominales) end with + se in Spanish (levantarse [to get up], ducharse [to shower], vestirse [to dress]) and are formed as follows:

Pronoun (Yo, Tú/Usted, Él/Ella, Nosotros, Vosotros/Ustedes/Ellos) + reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) + the verb.




English Spanish
To wake up Despertarse
To have breakfast Desayunar
To dance Bailar
To do sports Hacer deporte
To shower Ducharse
To walk the dog Sacar a pasear al perro
To work Trabajar
To take the bus/metro Tomar el autobús/metro
To eat Comer
To sleep Dormir
To nap Echarse la siesta
To go out Salir
To go shopping Hacer la compra
To go to school Ir a la escuela
To watch TV Ver la tele
To clean Limpiar
To study Estudiar
To listen to music Escuchar música
To play an instrument Tocar un instrumento
To sing Cantar
To drink Beber
To speak Hablar
To read Leer
To cook Cocinar


Let’s take a look at this video to learn more about the use of Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns!

And finally, time to practice all that we have learned! Let’s do these interactive exercises:

Hope you’ve enjoyed and learned a lot with us in this lesson! See you in the next!❤️