Spanish Lesson 2. Personality adjectives in Spanish

Hello there! Today we’re going to learn about personality adjectives, those that describe the character of people. It is a little more abstract than describing the appearance of a person, for example, but you will need to know how to define your nature and those of other people in many real life situations.

When we ask about someone, we do not always mean the physical aspect (What does she look like? ¿Qué aspecto tiene?), but also his personality. The two most common questions to ask about someone’s personality are:

What is she/he like? (¿Cómo es él/ella?)

What kind of person is she/he? (¿Qué tipo de persona es él/ella?)

In Spanish we use the following questions:

To ask only about appearance → ¿Qué aspecto tiene él/ella?

To ask only about personality → ¿Qué tipo de carácter tiene?

To ask for both → ¿Cómo es?


Vocabulary: Personality

How to answer these questions?

In Spanish we are going to use the verb “ser” (Yo soy simpática). Remember that this verb is an irregular one (soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son). We have to pay attention to the gender and number. Before continuing, please check the previous lesson about “Ser, Estar y Tener”.


Bossy woman




A: What is she like?

B: She is bossy


A: What kind of person is he?

B: He is a lonely person




A: ¿Cómo es ella?

B: Ella es mandona


A: ¿Qué tipo de persona es él?

B: Él es una persona solitaria


Vocabulary: Positive and Negative Adjectives / Adjetivos Positivos y Negativos

Remember that in the Spanish language we have to keep number and gender agreement also with personality adjectives.


Noelia es una mujer trabajadora y simpática

Noelia is a hard-working and nice woman

Mi profesor es encantador y resuelto

My teacher is charming and determined


Personality: lesson structure

Have a look at the following conversation:

Student A: Yo creo que ser puntual y organizado es muy importante.

(I believe that being punctual and organized is very important)

Student B: Pues, yo creo que ser puntual y organizado no es importante.

(I believe that to be punctual and organized is not important)

Let´s practice- What it is important for you?


Yo creo que ser __________________________________ es importante


eres Él /Ella es Nosotros /Nosotras somos Vosotros /Vosotras sois Ellos /Ellas son

Sujeto SER
Yo soy


  • Simpático / Simpática
  • Trabajador / Trabajadora
  • Optimista
  • Independiente
  • Amable
  • Organizado / Organizada