Spanish vocabulary: personality

In addition to words to describe the physical appearance of people, many adjectives are used in Spanish to describe their character. In our Spanish lesson about personality adjectives, we explained how to use them. Now we present a selection of positive and negative personality adjectives. After that, you will be able to define the character of other people and yourself personality.


Vocabulary: personality


Positive Adjectives / Adjetivos Positivos


English Español
Adventurous aventurero
Affectionate,loving cariñoso
Ambitious ambicioso
Amusing divertido
Audacious audaz
Brave valiente
Broad-minded liberal , tolerante
Calm calmado , tranquilo
Careful prudente
Charming encantador
Cheeky atrevido
Cheerful alegre
Clever, intelligent listo , inteligente
Creative creativo
Curious curioso
Determined decidido , resuelto
Devoted entregado , leal , comprometido
Easy-going relajado , fácil de tratar , tranquilo
Earthy sencillo
Elegant elegante
Eloquent elocuente
Enthusiastic entusiasta
Friendly amigable
Generous generoso
Gentle amable , dulce
Gifted talentoso , dotado
Hard-working, laborious trabajador
Honest, sincere honesto , sincero
Humble, modest humilde , modesto
Kind amable
Lively vivaz
Nice simpático
Mature maduro
Optimistic optimista , positivo
Outgoing sociable ,
Passionate apasionado , entusiasmado
Patient paciente
Peaceful tranquilo , pacífico
Polite educado 
Popular famoso
Proud orgulloso
Punctual puntual
Quiet callado , reservado
Reliable, Trustworthy de confianza
Responsible esponsable
Self-confident seguro de sí mismo
Sensible sensato
Sensitive sensible
Sentimental sentimental , sensiblero
Skilful habilidoso
Smart listo , inteligente
Sociable sociable
Strong fuerte
Strong-willed tenaz
Stylish con estilo
Sympathetic compasivo , comprensivo
Thankful agradecido
Thoughtful considerado , atento , amable
Thrifty ahorrador
Tolerant tolerante
Truthful veraz , sincero
Understanding comprensivo
Wise sabio
Witty ingenioso ,ocurrente


Negatives Adjectives / Adjetivos Negativos


English Español
Absent-minded distraído , despistado-a
Aggressive agresivo-a
Annoying molesto-a
Bad-tempered malhumorado-a
Boastful fanfarrón-a
Bossy mandón-a
Clumsy torpe
Conceited, vain creído , engreído-a
Deceitful falso-a
Demanding exigente
Dishonest deshonesto-a
Dull aburrido-a
Fussy quisquilloso-a
Greedy varicioso , egoísta
Impatient impaciente
Impolite maleducado-a
Impulsive, hot-headed impulsivo-a
Insecure inseguro-a
Insensitive, unfeeling insensible
Introverted introvertido-a
Irresponsible irresponsable
Jealous celoso-a
Lazy vago-a
Lonely solitario
Mean malo , mezquino
Naive inocente , ingenuo
Nervous nervioso
Pessimistic pesimista
Quick-tempered irascible
Rebellious rebelde
Rude grosero
Selfish egoísta
Shy tímido
Stubborn testarudo , terco
Tactless con poco tacto
Talkative hablador
Tight-fisted tacaño
Unpunctual impuntual
Weak débil