The numbers in Spanish

Spanish lesson 4. The numbers

Hello there! In the previous Spanish lessons, we learned how to describe places, how to talk about the personality of other people and how to physically describe them.
Learning how to count may be a simple task, yet we can’t forget how important it is for everyday life and activities! Also, by learning the numbers, we will be able to deal with banks and money the most appropriate way, go check out our Survival Guide: banks and money to know more about this!

Let’s start by taking a look at this infographic we have prepared for you!

Bear in mind that the number one (1) in all its ways (1,21,31,41) changes depending on the gender of the word coming after.

¿Cuántos hijos tiene? ¿Cuántos hijos tiene?
Tengo dos hijos, un niño y una niña Tengo uno

Some interesting facts:

Talking about measurement units: one billion in an Anglo-Saxon country such as the USA is not the same as one billion in Spanish-speaking countries. On mainland Europe, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries (except Brazil), one billion is equal to one million millions. Meanwhile, in English-speaking countries and Brazil, one billion is equal to one thousand millions.

The numbers


Mainland Europe, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries English-speaking countries and Brazil
1 billion (one million of millions) (one thousand of millions)


Also, the measuring system used in the USA differs from the one used in almost everywhere else in the world. The system used in the USA is called the United States Customary Units whereas we use the International System of Units. What’s the difference between them?

The International System of Units was implemented in 1960 to unify all the different systems into one so every country would have the same measuring references. On the contrary, the United States Customary Units takes as reference the traditional measuring system used in the antique Rome.

Let’s take a brief look at this table:


Measures Units Abbreviation
Mass Kilogram kg
Length Meter m
Surface Square meter m2
Volume Liter l




1 Uno 11 Once
2 Dos 12 Doce
3 Tres 13 Trece
4 Cuatro 14 Catorce
5 Cinco 15 Quince
6 Seis 16 Dieciséis
7 Siete 17 Diecisiete
8 Ocho 18 Dieciocho
9 Nueve 19 Diecinueve
10 Diez 20 Veinte
21 Veintiuno 31 Treinta y uno
22 Veintidós 32 Treinta y dos
23 Veintitrés 33 Treinta y tres
24 Veinticuatro 34 Treinta y cuatro
25 Veinticinco 35 Treinta y cinco
26 Veintiséis 36 Treinta y seis
27 Veintisiete 37 Treinta y siete
28 Veintiocho 38 Treinta y ocho
29 Veintinueve 39 Treinta y nueve
30 Treinta 40 Cuarenta


50 Cincuenta 60 Sesenta
70 Setenta 80 Ochenta
90 Noventa 100 Cien
101 Ciento uno 200 Doscientos
300 Trescientos 400 Cuatrocientos
500 Quinientos 600 Seiscientos
700 Setecientos 800 Ochocientos
900 Novecientos 1.000 Mil
2.000 Dos mil 10.000 Diez mil
100.000 Cien mil 1.000.000 Un millón
2.000.000 Dos millones Un Billón


0.20 S/: Veinte céntimos
0.10 Bs: Diez centavos
3 $: Tres dólares


Now and after all of this let’s practice a bit of math to check how much we have learned!
Do the following exercises:

We hope you have enjoyed and learned new things with this lesson! See you in the next!



1. Answer with true or false the following questions:



2. Which number corresponds to the word below?



3. Which number corresponds to the word below?



4. Which number corresponds to the word below?



5. Which number corresponds to the word below?



6. Which number corresponds to the word below?



7. Which number corresponds to the word below?



8. Solve the following and answer with letters:

a) 2 + 2 =



b) 10 + 13 =



c) 6 + 4 =



d) 50 + 30 =



e) 58 + 43 =



f) 100 + 12 =



g) 400 + 400 =



h) 62 + 17 =



I) 500 + 498 =